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Aging and Advanced Care Planning


Advanced Care Planning is learning about medical decisions that may be made when you are unable to make those decisions yourself, and preparing ahead of time to make your wishes known as to what should be done in your stead. The National Institute on Aging has a lot of useful information on their website.


The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has a lot of good information about asthma and what it is on their website. The good news is that you CAN control your asthma by learning what triggers it and how to avoid those triggers.

Congestive Heart Failure develops over a long period of time. The heart muscle can either be weakened by a heart attack, or by chronic conditions such as lack of exercise. The weakened heart wall bulges outward, and the heart becomes enlarged. In this configuration, it is very hard for the heart to pump enough oxygenated blood for the body, and fluid starts to build up in the extremities, which is called "edema." However, this condition is very treatable, so if you are experiencing symptoms, come in to be seen!

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Chronic Pain

There are many causes of chronic pain, and therefore there are numerous solutions. Treatments can include injections, pain medications, stretching, exercise and massage as ways to control the duration and severity of pain. The tools at the right of the page will help you and us evaluate your pain, and find the best solution for you.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in men and women in the United States. CAD is caused by buildup or cholesterol and plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. When these narrowed arteries get blocked, even temporarily, they can cause a heart attack, where the muscle supplied by the blocked artery is damaged or killed, or angina, which is heart pain caused by a partially blocked artery. When the arteries are narrowed, a person is also at risk for a blood clot to block the artery and cause pernament heart damage or death. CAD can also weaken the heart muscle and contribute to heart failure or arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are irregular heart beats where the heart doesn't beat in a regular rhythm, or when it does, it doesn't beat properly enough to pump blood effectively.


This informational page has been created to help our patients and family members better understand diabetes while offering the tools which can help treat the disease. Diabetes is a very complex disease which requires a team approach in order to get the highest quality of care. At a minimum, this includes your primary care provider, nurse, diabetic educator, endocrinologist, podiatrist and eye specialist. Many other areas of specialty are called upon too assist in the prevention and treatment of diabetic complications. We work with each patient to provide the care best suited to match unique needs. The links below will help create individualized care. Please start with the first link and make yourself a copy of the diabetes flow sheet. This flow chart will be a guide to what all patients will need a for prevention related services.


This Diabetes Flow Sheet was developed by a great team of health care providers and educators from across the State. Every patient that uses it will have a much greater understanding of the many factors impacting blood sugar control and diabetes. Using this flow sheet will also help patients organize information that can be confusing. We hope each patient keeps a copy of this flow sheet and ask members of the diabetes health care team about the numerous categories.


This Introduction to Diabetes will guide you through an introduction to the topics important to your understanding of diabetes.


This Diabetes Meal Planning ï»¿tutorial will guide you through an introduction to the basics of good eating. It will not replace the benefits of working with a certified diabetic educator (also called a CDE).


This Diabetes Foot Care ï»¿tutorial will guide you through the very important and often overlooked feet. Feet are often taken for granted. With diabetes the feet need extra tender loving care. This tutorial will help you learn how to do just that!


This Caring for Your Eyes and Diabetes ï»¿tutorial will guide you to a better understanding of how to care for your eyes when you have diabetes. Blindness and vision changes can occur when diabetes progresses. This tutorial will help you understand what can be done to prevent vision problems.


This Walking and Exercise ï»¿website helps explain the importance of exercise through a safe, consistent and smart walking program. Diabetes management requires regular exercise. This is a reasonable approach to getting into a routine.


This Diabetic Dog game illustrates how exercise can help control diabetes.

Gastrointestnial (Stomach and Digestive Tract)

Most of us at one time or another have had an upset stomach. However, it becomes serious and you should be seen by a medical professional if you have any of the following:

  • Blood when you have a bowel movement

  • Severe abdominal pain

  • Heartburn not relieved by antacids

  • Unintended weight loss

  • Ongoing vomiting or diarrhea

Head Lice

Head lice can be a big problem, but we are here to help! They are generally not found in older populations because people start blow drying their hair, which can kill them. After killing them, you will also have to wash all clothes and bed linens in hot water, and dry them using the hottest dryer setting. There are many prescription and over the counter medications which can get rid of head lice - come talk to us about your options!


You're not alone if you suffer from Migraines - about 12% of the population also gets them, and they are much more common in women than in men. There are many things that trigger migraines, and when you know what your triggers are, you can avoid them. Check out the links to the right to learn more about migraine headaches.

Hyperlipidemia (High Cholesterol)

Although there are usually no symptoms of high cholesterol, it is easily detectable through a blood test, and treatable through a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. High cholesterol increases your risk for heart disease, so it is important to have it checked. Cholesterol in the blood tends to increase as a person gets older, so the older you are, the more important it is to check it. You can lower your cholesterol by exercising more, and eating more fruits and vegetables.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

When your heart beats, it pushes blood through your arteries. The pressure is highest when your heart beats, and lowest in between heart beats. The pressure when your heart beats is called the Systolic pressure (top number) and in between beats it is called the Diastolic pressure (bottom number). We generally like to see blood pressures less than 120/90. Blood pressure varies throughout the day, depending on both your physical and psychological condition.

High blood pressure has no symptoms, but it can cause or worsen problems such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack or kidney failure.

Check out the link to the NIH for more information on Hypertension.

Infectious Diseases

There is a lot you can do to prevent infectious diseases! Frequent handwashing and cleaning of possibly infected surfaces is usually your best course of action.


This ï»¿Immune System Defender game helps to explain how your immune system works!

Kidney Disease 

Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs about the size of your fist just below the back of your ribcage. They filter wastes out of your blood, and use extra water to move these wastes to your bladder, which you eliminate from your body when you pee.


For more information on Kidney diseases, check out this website from the NIH (National Institute of Health) here or at the right.

Men's Health

While the life-expectancy gap between men and women has decreased, men still need to pay more attention to their bodies, and get more regular checkups. Men tend to drink and smoke more than women, and they tend to seek medical help less often, and experience more stress at work. The NIH has an excellent website that addresses some of the particular issues that men face.




Benign Prosthetic Hypertrophy Assessment (enlarged prostrate)

Mental Health

There are numerous conditions which cause changes assigned to mental health. Depression is the most common diagnosis in a family practice office. Depression can result in feeling sad, confused, angry, fatigued and multiple other symptoms. Numerous other conditions can result in the same or similar symptoms. For help clarifying your condition, please ï»¿contact us.



Interactive meal planner


This menu planner can help you calculate calories, fats and carbohydrates as you try to determine what foods fit your dietary goals.


Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets


Have you ever wondered whether a supplement is appropriate for you? Is garlic good for lowering cholesterol? (YES) Is Evening Primrose oil effective as a treatment? (Maybe for eczema.) Try this website for some information based on research. If it is just information about Vitamins try this page. If you have questions about Minerals try this page.


This ï»¿Feed the Chickens game illustrates the importance of vitamin B-1.


This ï»¿Diabetic Dog game illustrates how exercise can help control diabetes.




Portion Distortion


Portion Distortion quiz

Osteoporosis and Osetopenia

Osteopenia is low bone density, while osteoporosis makes your bones weak and likely to break. Osteopenia can lead to osteoporosis.


Risk factors can include:

  • Getting older (over 50)

  • Being small and thin

  • Having a family history of osteoporosis

  • Taking certain medicines

  • Being a white or Asian woman

  • Having Osteopenia (low bone density)

To find out if you have osteoporosis/osteopenia, you can get a bone mineral density test. To keep your bones strong, eat a diet rich in Calcium and Vitamin D3, and do not smoke. There are also medications available to treat osteoporosis/osteopenia.


Children's exam room which is decorated for kids by kids to make visiting Life Long Care a fun experience.


We have the facilities to provide care for children of all ages from infancy up to and through adulthood.


Children's exam room and the waiting area is kid safe.


We take the time to care for all of a child's needs and we don't want check-ups to be something to be scared of.




0-2 years WHO Growth Chart Boys


0-2 years WHO Growth Chart Girls


2-20 years CDC Growth Chart Boys


2-20 years CDC Growth Chart Girls


CDC information on Growth Statistics



Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Not getting enough sleep can make it hard for you to focus the next day and can slow your reaction time. Not getting enough sleep can lead to depression as well as increased risk for other serious medical conditions. For more information on why sleep is so important, click here.




How Sleepy are you?


Epworth Sleepiness Scale


Berlin Sleep Evaluation


Sleep Disorders - NIH


Stress can be helpful, but when it becomes chronic, it can be debilitating, or lead to disorders, like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Check out this NIH site on stress ï»¿here.




Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale



Women's Health

Although men and women can get many of the same diseases, some diseases, such as heart disease, affect women differently and present with different symptoms. Some conditions are unique to women.




Menopause Type Questionnaire


Menopause info - NIH


Pregnancy - NIH


Heart Disease and Women

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