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Semaglutide can help with weight loss! It takes about 4 weeks to begin to see differences. Staying active, making mindful changes to your diet, trying to exercise 3 times weekly, getting sound sleep and reducing stress can help boost your weight loss!
Remember- everyone’s dose is different, but taking Semaglutide as directed is important.
Semaglutide is not a “QUICK FIX” – this a medication that works very slowly over time.
If you have a body max index of greater than 27 with another condition such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes you are a candidate for Semaglutide
If you have a body mass index of greater than 30 you are a candidate for Semaglutide
If you have a history of thyroid cancer, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis or multiple endocrine neoplasia, Semaglutide is not right for you.
Taking Semaglutide will require regular lab work and check ins with us
If you are taking Semaglutide some side effects you may experience are headache, fatigue, Dizziness, nausea, gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.
Week 1-4: Dose 0.25mg at $25 per dose
Week 5-8: Dose 0.5mg at $35 per dose
Week 9-12: Dose 0.7mg at $40 per dose
Week 13-16: Dose 1mg at $45 per dose
Week 17+: Dose 2.5mg at $65 per dose